Water Conservation

The Ames Lake Water Association was an early adopter of water conservation practices developing their Water Conservation Plan in the 1980’s, well before most regional water utilities. The water Association has implemented an effective Water Conservation Program for many years and reduced overall per connection water use.

Water Conservation (Water Use Efficiency) is a vital practice to maximize the efficient use of water in the Association’s Service Area. In early 2007, new State Water Use Efficiency Rules went into effect. These new regulations required water utilities to reduce and maintain low water system leakage. These new regulations also require water utilities to develop water Conservation programs to reduce and maintain per connection water usage.

The Ames Lake Water Association has historically had a low water system leakage that averages around 3.5% to 4.5% each year.  The Association continues to install various instrumentation and implement Leak detection Programs to detect the rare leaks and maintain a low leakage rate compared to  other regional utilities.

The Association has developed a Water Use Efficiency Program with goals that are revaluated every six years and set in a public meeting at the Association’s Annual Meeting.  The goals are set and approved by the governing board of the water utility ( ALWA Board of Directors). The Association’s current goals are:

  • Attain maximum efficiency / utilization of existing water supply
  • Maintain Average daily Demand (ADD) at current gallons/day/ERU levels
  • Maintain Peak Daily and Peak Monthly Summer water use
  • Continue Water Use Efficiency Outreach and Education Programs at current levels
  • Maintain current low Unaccounted-for Distribution System Water Loss ( maintain annual Average less tha 5%).

How can you help?

Your Water Association is dependent on you to help use water resources efficiently. Please evaluate ways to improve your efficient use of water resources by considering the following:

  • Improve / Maintain your Irrigation System efficiency. The largest water demand in the system is summer irrigation. Consider using rain sensors; watering before 8AM or after 7 PM; fixing any irrigation system leakages; and using low-water landscaping.
  • Fix any plumbing leaks promptly
  • Use low-Water plumbing fixtures and appliances
  • Wash your vehicle at locations that recycle water
  • Wash only full loads of clothes and dishes
  • Turn off water features during hot months.

In addition, we appreciate our Members notifying the ALWA Offices (425.222.7003) of any leaks or questionable activities concerning the water system.  This is your Water Association and we appreciate everyone’s involvement and help.

Ames Lake Water Association encourages its Members to use water wisely. For information on what you can do to conserve water, please visit the following Web sites: